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Resources for Residents and Potential Applicants

From legal documents to sample leases, we have you covered when it comes to the resources you'll need to live with College Town Communities. Also, don't forget to check out our Campus Heights property map and get answers to our frequently asked questions.

College Station Resident Handbook

Resident Handbook

Rules and information for current and future residents.

College Station Property Map

Property Map

See the map of College Station!​​

College Station Sample Lease for 2024-2025

Sample Lease Documents

View a copy of our Lease before you sign. 

College Station Renters Insurance Waiver Program

Renter's Insurance
Waiver Program

Learn more about
The Waiver Program. 

College Station Parental Guaranty

Parental Guaranty

Students with a parental cosigner must submit a signed parental guarantee form, provided here.

College Station FAQ


View answers to frequently asked questions.

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